Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Prisoner of Tehran and A Handmaids Tale Essay Example

Prisoner of Tehran and A Handmaids Tale Essay Example Prisoner of Tehran and A Handmaids Tale Essay Prisoner of Tehran and A Handmaids Tale Essay also the founder of Islamic Republic. Marina Nemat was arrested at the age of 16 and sentenced to death. She is tortured at the prison and almost killed but later she has been rescued by a prison guard who she is forced to marry. Another text dealing with woman in capacity is the Handmaids’ Tale written by Margaret Atwood.The novel is told by one of them female victims in the Gileaden society. Her name is Offred and she is a baby-maker. She is valued by her ovaries and is living in a house with Commander and his wife, separated from her own family. The novels of Prisoner of Tehran and Handmaids ‘Tale are totally different texts. But they are similar when it comes to the themes of political oppression, the issue of human rights and survival. The autobiography Prisoner of Tehran is about the Iranian Revolution of 1979. During the revolution, there was a lot of opposition against Mohammed Reza Shah who struggled to modernize Iran with help from the US. He used the secret police called the SAVAK to rule the country. The SAVAK was Iran’s most feared institution and killed many of Shah’s enemies. The opposition was led by Ayatollah Khonemeini who was the founder of the Islamic Republic. Hundreds of supporters of the Shah were executed and many were held in order to protest against the new extreme rules. One of the r